June 16, 2023

Frigid air bites my tongue

With loss of bitter sadness.


I step out from the warmth.

I walk for a while, and,

While I pass a window,

I see a lonely light.

Sitting within the

Dark is a screen of stagnant

Blue— unused and locked shut.


I kiss the air with zeal and let

The ice coat my teeth. I take a

Step indoors again to warm my

Hands. I hear a lighter in the

Bathroom— maybe it’s time to leave.

Feet crunch against snow as my mind

Drifts into pleasantry. Maybe

The night is bright as the day.


“Wait. Wait.” Echoes into

The air as I stand at the 

Crosswalk. At times I’ll

forget about the lie

Of technological

Dominion. My legs shake

As I start to walk to

The other side. Red

Hands tell me to halt. I will

Not listen. I keep walking.

A Crack In The Warmth