The IDH at SXSW, a Recap
From North Central University to Austin, Texas, the Institute for Digital Humanity traveled to the annual SXSW conference. This conference was an amazing opportunity for the IDH to share the importance of their work and potentially acquire new partnerships with other individuals and organizations.
We spoke to Shea Sullivan, Associate Director of the IDH, who gave us an inside look on how SXSW went for the team. Sullivan explained how the event was heavily attended by educators who were seeking to come together to learn more about digital issues. Many of these educators were hoping to bring some of the content gathered at SXSW into their classrooms to equip our future generations. Many programs throughout the country are looking for content and curriculums on these issues which is exactly what the IDH provides.
The IDH presented a broad overview of what they do as an organization including all of their initiatives and cross-cultural communication. Sullivan stated that, “As far as the IHD’s main mission going to SXSW this was a really big opportunity for us to share what we have been working on with people throughout the country that may not even know that we existed.” She then explained that many students are not quite ready for a lot of what the IDH teaches but that it is good to inform them on digital issues at a young age so they can carry on the conversation in the future.
According to Sullivan, SXSW was also a great opportunity for the IDH to network with people both in tech and education. The IDH was able to talk to different people such as individuals on school boards, superintendents, and people involved with teacher’s unions. “In the past, we’ve been trying to get teachers to be able to get it into the classroom,” Sullivan stated regarding implicating the IDH’s curriculum into American education. For the IDH, higher-level education leadership is extremely important, since they can create real change in their current curriculums.
At conferences like SXSW, there are lots of different organizations sharing what they are working on and previous accomplishments. Sullivan said that when it comes to other organizations and the IDH, “It’s less about competing and more about partnering with them.” The IDH hopes to establish more and more partnerships through events like SXSW, they have an influential message to share and they hope to inform as many people as possible.
Stay tuned for more updates about where the IDH will be and upcoming projects.
To learn more about the IDH visit their website.